Today, we struggled to 'define' exactly what our club is all about... its purpose, its mission, its reason for existing... however you want to put it. So, how do you want to put it? What is the single unifying concept/purpose that we unite around every Thursday, the single motivation that we all share (acknowledging of course that there are many motivations that we certainly don't all share).
We've never had club officers or anything, and I'm not sure if those roles/positions appeal to the club at large, but I thought that perhaps the member who 'best' answers the above questions (in a way that satisfies/inspires the rest of the group) might be deemed High Chancellor of Philosophy Club (or President or Potentate, or some other drab title that suggests that they wield power over the rest of us). Or not.
1 comment:
wel as far as officers and such goes, i suppose in other clubs that would be fine.. but something about that happening in philosphy club seems akward, well it seems more unfair. because how do we define the person who has given the "best" answers to the fallowing questions..the answers given to these quesions are peoples opinns and even their beliefs i dont think we should judge people on that, now i know it wouldnt be judged on the content but it still seems unfair.. I would feel pressured to answer something complelety because i have never had one complelete thought about anything in my life but i honestly have very good ideas and some vaild beliefs. Im getting a similar motive behind this as the food thing...i may be wrong but this is making sence in my head so far....
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