Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated... [rejecting] the authority of the state, church, and family.... When Demosthenes (c.371-322 BC), for example, observes that "What he wished to believe, that is what each man believes", he posits the relational nature of knowledge... Ethical nihilism or moral nihilism rejects the possibility of absolute moral or ethical values. Instead, good and evil are nebulous, and values addressing such are the product of nothing more than social and emotive pressures.
So, is there no such thing as good and evil, right and wrong? Do we owe others... nothing? Are ethical standards nothing more than the product of [baseless] social and emotive pressures? Should women, children, minorities, homosexuals etc. have certain rights because... well... because someone just feels like they should?
I think everyone is free to do whatever they want but if someone wanted to kill someone they wouldn't cause people have a sense of respect. We all have free rights as long as it does not affect others
But can't we argue that (almost) everything we do (big and small) ultimately effects others?
everything we do affects others in some way
the first and third comment were from me i was too lazy to make a name thingy
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