Suggestions so far: Selfishness, Dreams, Time, Existence,...
I find it helpful when a topic is worded in the form of a question, but I leave that to you.
hm dreams might be interesting however all we are going to cover is blah blah the subconsoius and everyone talking about there dreams and how they saw 911 and stuff so i think we will never have an actually good conversation about it unless we take it serioulsy but theres only so much we can go into things like this.. existance ALWAYS comes up no matter what we talk about so no mtter what we talk about it.. time is man made. thats all there is to know about it.. idk how farcan you go into that also? I think we need a question to answer.. because we arent going to get anywhere just talking about something, we need to be answering something
I don't want to suggest something since I've come up with the last two questions. However I am BEGGING somebody to come up with something that has nothing to do with people. We've pretty much been on people and who they are and how they are and what they are and why they are and what should they be and how should the be and should they be and do they be? I'm all done. I mean, even something like perception... it has a little to do with people because people are perceiving, but its not so inwardly-focused. Also, perception covers time. Are our perceptions accurate? Are our perceptions real?
But it goes back to existance!! Ah!
Maybe the best thing to do is go onto something practical, since we've been in purely the theoretical. Like, short little topics instead of big all-encompasing things. We could just spend like, two weeks on them or something. For example, abortion - yes/no: go. Or murder - justifiable?: go. Something short and sweet like that to kind of refresh us. Or we could pick a bunch and do them once a class.
What if we picked a thoughtful/provocative movie and watched short 10-20minute clips of it allowing time to discuss it from a philosophical perspective... until we finish the movie. Might take us a few weeks, but it also might answer some of CHQ's concerns about swinging the P-club pendulum back toward the tangible and outward looking. The movie Waking Life might fit the bill, addressing the themes of dreams and perception as well!
i kind of like mrb's idea. it gets rid of the issue of trying to figure out a topic that's going to interest everyone and not lead to all of these practical answers that we've already come up with on the blog and also gives us a topic that can lead in any direction.
hm dreams might be interesting however all we are going to cover is blah blah the subconsoius and everyone talking about there dreams and how they saw 911 and stuff so i think we will never have an actually good conversation about it unless we take it serioulsy but theres only so much we can go into things like this.. existance ALWAYS comes up no matter what we talk about so no mtter what we talk about it.. time is man made. thats all there is to know about it.. idk how farcan you go into that also? I think we need a question to answer.. because we arent going to get anywhere just talking about something, we need to be answering something
I don't want to suggest something since I've come up with the last two questions. However I am BEGGING somebody to come up with something that has nothing to do with people. We've pretty much been on people and who they are and how they are and what they are and why they are and what should they be and how should the be and should they be and do they be? I'm all done. I mean, even something like perception... it has a little to do with people because people are perceiving, but its not so inwardly-focused. Also, perception covers time. Are our perceptions accurate? Are our perceptions real?
But it goes back to existance!! Ah!
Maybe the best thing to do is go onto something practical, since we've been in purely the theoretical. Like, short little topics instead of big all-encompasing things. We could just spend like, two weeks on them or something. For example, abortion - yes/no: go. Or murder - justifiable?: go. Something short and sweet like that to kind of refresh us. Or we could pick a bunch and do them once a class.
What if we picked a thoughtful/provocative movie and watched short 10-20minute clips of it allowing time to discuss it from a philosophical perspective... until we finish the movie. Might take us a few weeks, but it also might answer some of CHQ's concerns about swinging the P-club pendulum back toward the tangible and outward looking. The movie Waking Life might fit the bill, addressing the themes of dreams and perception as well!
i kind of like mrb's idea. it gets rid of the issue of trying to figure out a topic that's going to interest everyone and not lead to all of these practical answers that we've already come up with on the blog and also gives us a topic that can lead in any direction.
sounds good to me.
I vote for the movie.
I vote yes to movie. they're always fun :)
I have a few videos to offer, and would encourage the rest of you to bring in prospective flicks... we'll let the group decide:
V for Vendetta all the way :)
i like the movie idea.. also clips from martian child would be good but it ovolves people and things we"ve prevously talked about
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