Monday, June 15, 2009

Last Discussion!!!!!!

Okay People, [and MrB]

We (well I would, maybe i'm assuming too far to say that you all would too) would like to have at least one more discussion before the year is out, am I right? Well, how about thurday after school this week? This seems like a reasonable time to have a discussion, as far as what we discuss that has yet to be figured out, not that it really matters, because we have good discussions regardless of what we do really. We could allow our senior to have their last time, or we could try and wrap up a previous discussion, I could really care less, but please respond to this!!!!!! Leave comments, or email me =] (it's under the contacts in previous Philosophy Club emails....)



mrb said...

I'd really like to have 100 more discussions, but I'd settle for one more :)

Cris said...

this is true, and perhaps we can have that many on here this summer, but maybe that would be asking for too much??