Greetings thinkers!
Let's use this thread to post new topic/question ideas. Over the next two weeks we'll brainstorm and then narrow down our ideas... until our first topic/question emerges. Because there is a Period 9 assembly next week, our next P-club meeting will on Oct 28th. In the meantime...
What's on your philosophical mind?
Should we continue to explore the mystery of individuals/individualism? If so, how do we begin to explore this? If not, what else should we explore?
PS: Scroll down two posts for links to In the Waiting Line lyrics and music video.
I would like to discuss either the relation of your soul and your mind....some how im not quite sure. Or dreams and how they work, how they affect you and how are they influenced? These are both things that i have been thinking of lately and I would personally like to go deeper in philosophy club. Yup.
-Laura A
I think we should talk about something that we've all experienced, like teenage love and lust. I dunno, that popped up in my head while i had to write something.
I love dreaming, be it lucid or just plain vivid. I think we should explore more into the topic of lucid dreams (dreams in which the dreamer comes to the realization that he or she is dreaming and uses their knew found knowledge to bend the dream to their will). In a word, a lucid dreamer is no less than the God of his or her dream for as long as said dream lasts. I've even read posts on blogs and sites dedicated to lucid dreaming saying that, when lucid, one has the ability to control how long their dream lasts. Aparently, there was a man who claimed to be living in his dream for what he said felt like over 100 years! Only to wake up 8 or so hours after he had fallen asleep! Dreaming in general is a topic I'd love to talk about in philosophy club. Because of the fact that the memories we take from dreams, and the memories we take from what we consider to be "reality" are stored in the same place in our brain, only being separated by the logic inserted once the dreamer wakes, how don't we know we aren't all dreaming right now? When you think about it, it does make perfect sense, it's completely possible. Our dreams can recreate with fine detail the feelings of strong emotion, pleasure, and even pain. I could be asleep right at this very moment and each and every word I type may mean nothing to no one but me. Remarkable.
-Tyler R
I Think we should talk about How dreams Can either be good in some ways were you can be rich and Famous or they can be a very scary expirence were you can have your worst fear come to life .
- Aaron Asebedo
I agree with both and I also think we should talk about the paranormal and religion. They are very interesting topics and I'd love to know everyones opinion
-Amber Lipsky
Recently, my thoughts have led me to the topic of death, an alleged after life, and the possiblity that an incomprehensible nothingness is all that awaits us all at the end of our journey. I'd like to talk about different theories as to what, exactly, happens when you pass from this world.
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