Okay everyone sorry i know this post is like two days before we were supposed to have read this but i hope it helps anyways....Caitlyn and I were reading this and found some challenging vocabulary. I'm not calling everyone stupid either, because I know that some of you already know some of this vocab. For those of you who need/want it here it is......(note: this is only vocab for half of the packet up until Pg. 53)
puerile- childish; silly
mirage- an optical llusion, caused by the refraction of light, in which a distant object appears to be nearby, inverted, etc. (those thingys you see in a desert...)
pg. 36-37:
ingenuous-1.) frank, open 2.) simple, naive
guttersnipe- a child of the slums who spends most of his or her time in the streets: contemptuous term applied to anyone regarded as having the manners, morals, etc. of the gutter
unequivocal- not plain or clear
brigand- a bandit esp. one of a roving band.
recalcitrant- 1.) refusing to obey authority 2.) hard to handle
docilely- [docile] easy to discipline, submissive
paternalism- the governing, controlling of a country, employees, etc. in a manner suggesting a fathers relationship with his children
ineffaceable- impossible to erase
contingency-1.)dependence on change 2.) a possible or chance event
arbitrariness- [arbitrary] 1.) left to ones judgement 2.)based on ones preference or whim
antipathy- 1.) strong dislike; aversion 2.) the object of such dislike
pg. 42-43:
emanated- [emanate] to come or send forth, as from a source
denuded- [denude] to make bare
laceration- a jagged wound or cut
transcending- [transcend] to be greater than as in intensity or power; surpass
effaces- to rub or wipe out; erase
facticity- the quality or condition of being a fact
pg. 44-45:
pogroms-An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews.
spectors- no definition found, but spelled as [specter]- a ghostly apparition, or phantom
fascism- A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
bolshevism- The strategy developed by the Bolsheviks between 1903 and 1917 with a view to seizing state power and establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat
certitude-The state of being certain; complete assurance; confidence.
pg. 46-47:
accession-Something that has been acquired or added; an acquisition
affectivity- [affective] 1.)Concerned with or arousing feelings or emotions; emotional 2.) Influenced by or resulting from the emotions.
transference-1.) The act or process of transferring. 2.) In psychoanalysis, the process by which emotions and desires originally associated with one person, such as a parent or sibling, are unconsciously shifted to another person, especially to the analyst.
sublimation- [sublimate] To modify the natural expression of (a primitive, instinctual impulse) in a socially acceptable manner.
propitious- kindly; gracious
mythomaniac- [mythomania] A compulsion to embroider the truth, engage in exaggeration, or tell lies.
pg. 48-49:
epithet- A term used to characterize a person or thing, such as rosy-fingered in rosy-fingered dawn or the Great in Catherine the Great.
credo- a creed
nihilistic- 1.)An extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence 2.) A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.
1 comment:
Gods (and Crystal) be praised! We finally know what denuded means!
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